Search Results for: national debt

Do Large National Debts Harm Economies?

Krugman’s Accounting of the National Debt is Jailworthy

What the $20 Trillion National Debt Means to You

The National Debt Is Rising—Not Declining

Blame for the National Debt

Current National Debt Situation is the Worst in U.S. History

Everything You’ve Heard About the Debt Limit is Wrong

Debt Versus Deficit: Obama’s Bait and Switch

Is the Economy to Blame for Our “Runaway National Debt”?

Paul Krugman’s Claims About the Dangers of Government Debt

Does the Social Security Trust Fund Really Exist?

Poll Reveals Voters Misinformed About Key Issues

Federal Fiscal Shortfall Nears $1 Million Per Household

How Hard and Effectively do Americans Work?

New Treasury Data Shows Federal Shortfall of $670,000 Per U.S. Household

Federal Government’s 2017 Fiscal Shortfall Is 74% Worse Than Reported Budget Deficit

Can We Prevent a Debt-Driven Economic Collapse Without Reforming Entitlements?

Federal Fiscal Shortfall Surges Past $100 Trillion

Krugman and Obama Mislead on Debts and Deficits

Pre-Election Poll: Voters Broadly Misinformed About Key Issues

Poll Reveals Voters are Uninformed About Major Issues

Treasury Data Reveals Federal Shortfall of $614,000 per U.S. Household

Treasury Report: Federal Fiscal Shortfall is $603,000 per Household

Obama’s Plan for Tackling the Deficit

Congressional Records Prove Biden’s Student Loan Cancellations Are Illegal

Maddow’s Tax and Deficit Doubletalk

Audit Reveals Federal Finances Are Far Worse Than Publicized Figures

Maximum Facts About the Minimum Wage

The New York Times Regularly Publishes Falsehoods That Spur Violent Unrest and Civic Dysfunction

Federal Government Finances Deteriorated by $6.5 Trillion in 2012

Warren Buffett’s Fraudulent Tax Claims (Part 2)

The “Inflation Reduction Act” Will Do Almost Nothing That Joe Manchin Says It Will

Fact-Based Poll Reveals Fictions Believed by Voters

A Factual Look at Obama’s Presidency

Happy Holidays, You Owe the Federal Government $195,554

Economy Declined as Government Spending Rose

Quantitative Easing: Who Wins and Who Loses?

FactCheck Abets False Obama Claim About Romney’s Taxes

Donald Trump and the Media Agree on Middle-Class Income, and They are Both Wrong

The Average Cost of Public School Education Is 58% More Than Private School

Taking Social Security Off-Budget

Reporters Distort the Truth About Government Spending

The Impact of Obamacare and Ryancare on Medicare

Raising Payroll Taxes to Save Social Security Will Cost the Average Worker $73,000

2017: The Year in Facts and Falsehoods

What Portion of the Federal Budget Is Spent on the Military?

Myths about School Choice and Betsy DeVos

Social Security Trust Fund to Begin Declining in 2014, Not 2021

In Fact

…the wealthy have been roughly level or risen for as far back in time as data extend. The main cause of the exploding national debt is social programs:    …

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In Fact

…rise. (15) The Washington Post groundlessly blamed inflation on the Omicron variant. (16) The Washington Post denied the clear association between high levels of government debt and economic stagnation. (17)…

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