The Washington Post
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof claims that the Washington Post “is a great, great, great paper, and it’s greatness pushes the rest of us in the media world to do a better job.”
IN FACT, the Washington Post has systematically misinformed people in ways that advance leftist narratives, sometimes with deadly consequences. Here’s 40 examples:
(1) Based on a grade-school-level math “error,” the Washington Post grossly understated the crime rate of illegal immigrants.
(2) The Washington Post reported that it has “found no sign” that Joe Biden “was an active participant” in Hunter’s business deals despite 10+ facts proving the polar opposite is true.
(3) The Washington Post slandered Donald Trump as “complicit” in a 2018 hurricane.
(4) The Washington Post misportrayed the Death of Michael Brown as a “slaying.”
(5) The Washington Post repeatedly botched a “fact check” of Trump’s 2019 State of the Union Address.
(6) The Washington Post published the slanderous accusation that Trump “praised white supremacists” as “very fine people.”
(7) The Washington Post butchered the facts about the number of non-citizens who vote illegally in U.S. elections.
(8) The Washington Post denied the fact that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Congressional Democrats support abortion up to birth.
(9) The Washington Post claimed that government funding of higher education spending fell when it dramatically rose.
(10) The Washington Post falsely reported that Hunter Biden’s Ukrainian benefactor wasn’t being investigated by the prosecutor who Joe Biden got fired.
(11) The Washington Post denied the reality of fetal pain at 20 weeks.
(12) The Washington Post published five fables about Medicare.
(13) The Washington Post falsely reported that “black workers who do everything right still get left behind.”
(14) Based on a Congressional Budget Office report which stated that “wages will decline” under Obamacare, the Washington Post reported that wages will rise.
(15) The Washington Post groundlessly blamed inflation on the Omicron variant.
(16) The Washington Post denied the clear association between high levels of government debt and economic stagnation.
(17) The Washington Post deceptively undermined the benefits of border barriers.
(18) The Washington Post spread the specious and racially inflammatory allegation that “there is no correlation between violent crime and who is killed by police officers.”
(19) The Washington Post praised the Democrat governors who created Covid-19 death traps by forcing nursing homes to admit people with Covid-19.
(20) The Washington Post glowingly covered Bill Nye’s unscientific tirade on abortion.
(21) The Washington Post buried proof of Joe Biden’s bribery.
(22) The Washington Post falsely labeled semi-automatic guns as “assault rifles.”
(23) The Washington Post spread Barack Obama’s brazen lie that he wasn’t responsible for the U.S. pullout from Iraq.
(24) The Washington Post lied about a phone call with Candace Owens until Owens produced a telephone recording which proved the Post was lying.
(25) The Washington Post spread the falsehood that “today’s immigrants are actually learning English faster than their predecessors.”
(26) The Washington Post used the deceitful and scientifically illiterate phrase “carbon pollution” to refer to CO2.
(27) The Washington Post spread the grossly deceptive half-truth that states with strict gun-control laws have less gun-related deaths.
(28) The Washington Post spread the falsehood that ethanol is less expensive than gas.
(29) The Washington Post denied the reality that each new human life begins at fertilization.
(30) The Washington Post touted a study on state and local taxes that is a sham.
(31) The Washington Post portrayed the world’s oceans as overwhelmed by plastic when the actual amount was the equivalent of placing one-thousandth of an ounce of plastic into an Olympic-sized swimming pool containing 660,000 gallons of water.
(32) The Washington Post spread the falsehood that the economic policies of Ronald Reagan wreaked financial havoc on African Americans, when in fact, their incomes rose dramatically.
(33) The Washington Post spread the falsehood that Trump “sees moral equivalence between Nazis and those who oppose Nazis.”
(34) The Washington Post denied the reality that armed guardians serve as deterrents to school shootings.
(35) The Washington Post spread the falsehood that the island nation of Kiribati was on the verge of being drowned by rising oceans, when in fact, the nation’s land area was growing.
(36) Amidst an intense national debate over illegal immigration and crime, the Washington Post reported on a grisly, high-profile murder without mentioning that the killer was an illegal immigrant.
(37) The Washington Post falsely reported that America’s schools have grown increasingly segregated since the 1990s.
(38) The Washington Post reported the half-truth that raising the federal minimum wage to $15/hour would “lift almost a million people out of poverty.”
(39) The Washington Post spread the falsehood that Covid-19 is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
(40) The Washington Post spread a deceptively-predicated claim that “doing your own research is a good way to end up being wrong.”