Search Results for: "global warming" OR "climate change"

Climate Change Fears of Teen Activist Are Empirically Baseless

Hurricanes, Rainfall, and Climate Change

Is the Earth Warming Catastrophically Fast?

Do Those Who Doubt Climate Catastrophism Lack Scientific Credibility?

The Washington Post’s Slander on Hurricanes and Climate Change

Insecticide Ban, Not Global Warming, Accords With Outbreak of Disease-Carrying Insects

The Nation of Kiribati Is Growing, Not Sinking

Will Global Warming Flood the Coasts of the United States?

The U.S. is a Democratic Constitutional Republic, and Yes, It Matters

Has Global Warming Made Rainstorms More Intense?

Has Global Warming Turned the North Pole Into a Lake?

The SAT Is Feeding Students Solar Industry Propaganda

Solar Energy Costs and Impacts

What Will Obama’s Greenhouse Gas Regulations Cost and Achieve?

The New York Times Regularly Publishes Falsehoods That Spur Violent Unrest and Civic Dysfunction

Electric Cars Are Not “Zero-Emission Vehicles”

Poll Reveals Voters Misinformed About Key Issues

Pre-Election Poll: Voters Broadly Misinformed About Key Issues

Poll Reveals Voters are Uninformed About Major Issues

In Fact

…the coastal population of Florida has grown by 61%. That’s just one among dozens of failed catastrophic predictions by Gore, other climate change activists, and the scientists they rely upon….

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In Fact

President Biden claims that “everyone who willfully denies the impacts of climate change is condemning the American people to a dangerous future and either is really, really dumb or has…

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In Fact

Bernie Sanders, a self-avowed socialist and U.S. Senator, claims that “sea level rise due to climate change will destroy up to 70 million homes over the next 30 years.”…

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