Search Results for: immigration

Effects of Immigration From Impoverished Nations

Major Media Stories Ignore Immigration Status of High-Profile Murderer

Illegal Immigrants Are Far More Likely to Commit Serious Crimes Than the U.S. Public

White House Pledge on Deportations Belied by Official Data and Actions

The New York Times Regularly Publishes Falsehoods That Spur Violent Unrest and Civic Dysfunction

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections

Bernie Sanders’ Education Plan is Rife With Deceit

The School Segregation Farce

Illegal Immigrants and Federal Income Taxes

Is President Trump’s Border Wall an Outdated, Ineffective Strategy?

Visa Overstays Don’t Negate the Benefits of Border Barriers

Elon Musk is Right and the NY Times is Wrong About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens

PolitiFact’s Deceptive Report on Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens

False Arguments Against Evidence of Vote Fraud

2017: The Year in Facts and Falsehoods

The Washington Post Grossly Understates the Crime Rate of Illegal Immigrants

Lack of Assimilation is Economically Harming Latino Immigrants and Society

Border Crossing Deaths Skyrocket, While Biden Administration Hides the Data

Donald Trump and the Media Agree on Middle-Class Income, and They are Both Wrong

The Effects of Regulations on the Economy

Rape Facts and Falsehoods

Widespread Poverty Stats Greatly Overstate the Number of Americans Who Are Destitute

AOC’s Baseless Accusation That the U.S. Is a “Brutal, Barbarian Society”

Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election

Maximum Facts About the Minimum Wage

The Border Is Less Secure Than Ever, and the Implications Are Deadly

Federal Report on the Death of Jeffrey Epstein is Rife With Evidence of Foul Play

PolitiFact Covers Up Biden’s Role in the Murder of Laken Riley

Question of the Day

…against Covid-19. Despite a federal law banning the immigration of people with a “communicable disease of public health significance,” people with HIV are allowed to immigrate under an Obama-era regulation…

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Question of the Day

…Hispanic non-citizens. These disparities are because high-skilled immigrants are typically in the U.S. legally and tend to become U.S. citizens, while low-skilled ones do not. Per the academic encyclopedia “Immigration

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In Fact

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell claims that the “fairly large influx of immigration” over the “past couple of years” is “boosting growth” and contributing to an “overall” “good picture.”…

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In Fact

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D–IL) claims immigration is “our future” and that “we need an orderly, humane, and legal pathway to citizenship.”…

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In Fact

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–NY) claims that “you can fix” the issue of illegal immigration “by trying to document people.”…

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In Fact

PolitiFact, a Facebook-approved “fact checker,” claims that the following statement by Tucker Carlson is “false”: “In August 2023, illegal immigration outpaced American births.”…

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In Fact

Democrat Jerry Nadler claims that “House Republicans are so desperate to give” Donald Trump “an issue to campaign on that they will sink any potential solution to our immigration challenges.”…

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In Fact

IN FACT, legal immigrants commit crimes at much lower rates than the general public because immigration law requires them to be thoroughly vetted for criminality. In contrast, illegal immigrants commit…

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In Fact

Virtually all major media outlets are claiming that President Biden’s new executive action on immigration will shield “undocumented” spouses of U.S. citizens from deportation….

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In Fact

…for “the faithful execution of the immigration laws of the United States.” Biden’s failure to enforce those laws has enormous negative impacts on border states like Texas, and these states…

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In Fact

IN FACT, the Democrat policy of allowing unfettered immigration does enormous harm to border states like Texas. Yet, Democrats are now complaining because free, voluntary bus rides cause them to…

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In Fact

Democrat Senator Chris Murphy and Republican Senator James Lankford are both claiming that the “bipartisan” immigration bill they negotiated is good for America….

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In Fact

…are voluntary—the polar opposite of human trafficking. Like Jeffries, other Democrats are attacking Abbott for making them bear the consequences of their own policies that permit and reward illegal immigration….

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In Fact

MSNBC & New York Times contributor Steven Rattner claims that President Biden is amply deporting illegal immigrants because “immigration courts issue[d] more removal orders in FY 2023 than any year…

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In Fact

IN FACT, Murphy’s own words prove that his border bill is ridden with loopholes that permit and incentivize mass illegal immigration. House Republicans passed a bill to stop this influx,…

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In Fact

…Usage explains that words like “undocumented” are “needless euphemisms” which “obscure” the reality that “illegal aliens” are people who are “present in a country in violation of the immigration laws.”…

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In Fact

Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security, Alexandro Mayorkas, denies any responsibility for the border crisis and claims that he “cannot change a broken immigration system — only Congress can do that.”…

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In Fact

…to close the border, but Biden has used those powers to open the floodgates to illegal immigration, and Democrats have blocked a Republican bill that would force Biden to curtail…

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In Fact

IN FACT, giving welfare to illegal immigrants incentivizes more illegal immigration. The Soviet Constitution had a “right” to “medical” care, while the U.S. Constitution that Warren swore to uphold recognizes…

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In Fact

…land area was growing. (36) Amidst an intense national debate over illegal immigration and crime, the Washington Post reported on a grisly, high-profile murder without mentioning that the killer was…

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In Fact

The New York Times claims that Republicans are wrong to say there is a surge of illegal immigrant crime under Biden, because “U.S. rates of crime and immigration have moved…

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