Search Results for: population

The Washington Post Grossly Understates the Crime Rate of Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigrants Are Far More Likely to Commit Serious Crimes Than the U.S. Public

False Arguments Against Evidence of Vote Fraud

Critics Fail to Debunk Explosive Study on Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens

Effects of Immigration From Impoverished Nations

Genuine Facts About Omicron, Delta, Naturally Acquired Immunity, and Vaccines

How Many Americans Go Hungry?

Climate Change Fears of Teen Activist Are Empirically Baseless

The Hard Facts on Covid-19 Science Denial

Progressive Myths About Mass Shootings and Weapons of War

U.S. Life Expectancy Fell With Covid Vax Rollout, NY Times Blames a Lack of Vaccination and White People

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections

Social Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide With Leftism, Not Racism

USA Today & Facebook Use Slanderous “Fact Check” to Suppress Facts About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens

There’s No Objective Evidence the Federal “Assault Weapons” Ban Saved Lives

FDA Violated Own Safety and Efficacy Standards in Approving Covid-19 Vaccines For Children

Four Underused Tools to Stop School Shootings

The Impact of Obamacare and Ryancare on Medicare

Poll Reveals Voters Misinformed About Key Issues

Think Progress Exaggerates Child Hunger by 8,000%

Media Repeatedly Deceives Public in Hobby Lobby Coverage

Pre-Election Poll: Voters Broadly Misinformed About Key Issues

Misleading Claims that Fuel Hatred Against Police Officers

Poll Reveals Voters are Uninformed About Major Issues

Are Today’s Newborns the Luckiest Generation in U.S. History?

Major Media Stories Ignore Immigration Status of High-Profile Murderer

Lack of Assimilation is Economically Harming Latino Immigrants and Society

Black People Do Not Suffer Disproportionately From Police Brutality

Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election

Main Study Used by FDA to Approve Covid-19 Vaccine Found No Significant Effect on the Risk of Death

Federal Report on the Death of Jeffrey Epstein is Rife With Evidence of Foul Play

1 in Every 39 Americans Will Die of a Drug Overdose at Current Rate

Reporters Distort the Truth About Government Spending

Five Fallacies About Guns and Violence

New Data on Hunger in the United States

Blame for the National Debt

Should the U.S. Adopt Australia’s Strict Gun Laws?

Krugman and Obama Mislead on Debts and Deficits

Do Large National Debts Harm Economies?

Debt Versus Deficit: Obama’s Bait and Switch

Maddow’s Tax and Deficit Doubletalk

Is Ocean Life on the Brink of Mass Extinction?

How Hard and Effectively do Americans Work?

Donald Trump and the Media Agree on Middle-Class Income, and They are Both Wrong

Myths about School Choice and Betsy DeVos

PolitiFact’s Deceptive Report on Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens

Media and Politicians Twist Trump’s Words About Charlottesville

What the $20 Trillion National Debt Means to You

Four Fabrications About Firearms

How Often Do Citizens Use Guns to Stop Violence?

Media Misinformation About Arming Teachers

Is President Trump’s Border Wall an Outdated, Ineffective Strategy?

Insecticide Ban, Not Global Warming, Accords With Outbreak of Disease-Carrying Insects

Thomas Jefferson, Racism, and Slavery

Social Security Has Been Boosted, Not Looted

Rape Facts and Falsehoods

Visa Overstays Don’t Negate the Benefits of Border Barriers

Wash Post Repeatedly Botches Fact Check of Trump’s State of the Union Address

Bernie Sanders’ Education Plan is Rife With Deceit

Busing, Segregation, and Education

The School Segregation Farce

Widespread Poverty Stats Greatly Overstate the Number of Americans Who Are Destitute

Vital Facts About Covid-19

AOC’s Baseless Accusation That the U.S. Is a “Brutal, Barbarian Society”

Media Outlets Stir Racial Strife and Slander Trump for Urging Governors to Protect People’s Rights

Is the Official Covid-19 Death Toll Accurate?

PolitiFact Warps Reality About Left-Wing Activist Inciting Capitol Riot

Coming To Grips With the Facts About Masks

As Murders Soar, FBI Buries the Data

The Border Is Less Secure Than Ever, and the Implications Are Deadly

Krugman’s Accounting of the National Debt is Jailworthy

Trump Indicted for Citing Data From Ph.D.-Vetted Study to Challenge Election Fraud

How to Thwart the Nefarious Propaganda Technique of Projection

Elon Musk is Right and the NY Times is Wrong About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens

PolitiFact Covers Up Biden’s Role in the Murder of Laken Riley

Question of the Day

What portion of Florida’s COASTAL population has relocated since Al Gore predicted in 1992 that most of Florida’s residents may be displaced by rising sea levels over the next several…

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In Fact

…States. In comparison, 1% of the nation’s adult population claims to be transgender. That means the general U.S. population is about 10 times more likely to be murdered than transgenders….

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In Fact

IN FACT, Al Gore predicted in 1992 that “up to 60% of the present population of Florida may have to be relocated” “not long after” the “next few decades” “because…

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In Fact

IN FACT, Al Gore predicted 32 years ago that “up to 60% of the present population of Florida may have to be relocated” “not long after” the “next few decades”…

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In Fact

IN FACT, Axios fails to account for inflation and population growth, which are both vital for understanding economic trends. Exploding Axios’ claim of an “economic miracle,” real GDP per capita…

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In Fact

IN FACT, S&P 500 profit margins are lower than before Biden took office and inflation exploded. Reich’s chart fails to account for increases in population, GDP, and inflation. The last…

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