Search Results for: social spending

Advocates for Social Welfare Benefits Turn the Truth About Federal Spending on Its Head

Social Security Has Been Boosted, Not Looted

Everything You’ve Heard About the Debt Limit is Wrong

What Portion of the Federal Budget Is Spent on the Military?

Economy Declined as Government Spending Rose

AOC’s Baseless Accusation That the U.S. Is a “Brutal, Barbarian Society”

Federal Government’s 2017 Fiscal Shortfall Is 74% Worse Than Reported Budget Deficit

Fact-Based Poll Reveals Fictions Believed by Voters

Poll Reveals Voters are Uninformed About Major Issues

Reporters Distort the Truth About Government Spending

Poll Reveals Voters Misinformed About Key Issues

Pre-Election Poll: Voters Broadly Misinformed About Key Issues

Federal Fiscal Shortfall Nears $1 Million Per Household

Federal Fiscal Shortfall Surges Past $100 Trillion

What the $20 Trillion National Debt Means to You

Taking Social Security Off-Budget

Treasury Data Reveals Federal Shortfall of $614,000 per U.S. Household

The “Inflation Reduction Act” Will Do Almost Nothing That Joe Manchin Says It Will

Social Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide With Leftism, Not Racism

New Treasury Data Shows Federal Shortfall of $670,000 Per U.S. Household

The Impact of Obamacare and Ryancare on Medicare

The Costs and Savings of Changing Social Security to a Personal Ownership System

How Hard and Effectively do Americans Work?

Warren Buffett’s Fraudulent Tax Claims (Part 2)

Are Today’s Newborns the Luckiest Generation in U.S. History?

Obama’s Plan for Tackling the Deficit

Blame for the National Debt

Can We Prevent a Debt-Driven Economic Collapse Without Reforming Entitlements?

Krugman and Obama Mislead on Debts and Deficits

The National Debt Is Rising—Not Declining

A Factual Look at Obama’s Presidency

The New York Times Regularly Publishes Falsehoods That Spur Violent Unrest and Civic Dysfunction

Has Government Turned Us Into a Nation of Makers and Takers?

The Real “Big Money” in Politics

Donald Trump and the Media Agree on Middle-Class Income, and They are Both Wrong

Four Underused Tools to Stop School Shootings

2017: The Year in Facts and Falsehoods

Effects of Immigration From Impoverished Nations

Lack of Assimilation is Economically Harming Latino Immigrants and Society

Maximum Facts About the Minimum Wage

Audit Reveals Federal Finances Are Far Worse Than Publicized Figures

Current National Debt Situation is the Worst in U.S. History

Question of the Day

…for social programs that provide healthcare, income security, education, nutrition, housing, and cultural services. Spending on social programs grew from 30% of government outlays in 1959 to 68% in 2020….

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Question of the Day

…A primary driver of asset inflation and consumer price inflation has been the Federal Reserve creating $8.9 trillion in new money to pay for rising government spending on social programs….

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In Fact

Cal Berkeley professor Robert Reich claims that “if not for the Trump and Bush tax cuts, federal revenues would keep pace with federal spending indefinitely.”…

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In Fact

…on social programs than the military. Yet, due to deceitful rhetoric, 58% of voters and 84% of Democrats believe the federal government spends more on the military than social programs….

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In Fact

…driver” of recent inflation. Instead, the root causes are “large” federal government “fiscal transfers and increased unemployment benefits” (aka, social spending) and Federal Reserve policies like lowering “the federal funds…

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In Fact

…of dollars in new social spending that she voted for, such as: • the 2020 CARES Act, which cost $1.8 trillion. • the 2021 American Rescue Plan, which cost $1.9…

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In Fact

IN FACT, government social spending — which has risen dramatically over recent decades — causes wealth inequality by depressing the savings of low-income households. This adverse effect is then worsened…

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In Fact

…has much lower profits than big tech companies like Apple. Food is expensive mainly because government devalued the dollar via social spending and money printing, advocated by Reich & Co….

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In Fact

…than before Biden took office and inflation exploded. Warren & Co. are deflecting blame for the inflation they caused by spending $5+ trillion on social programs bankrolled by money printing….

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In Fact

IN FACT, two major drivers of wealth inequality are government social spending and money printing, which depress the savings of low- and middle-income households while making the rich richer. Both…

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In Fact

…and inflation exploded. Reich’s chart fails to account for increases in population, GDP, and inflation. The last of these was caused by social spending and money printing that he supported….

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In Fact

…in added social spending, a primary driver of inflation. Then four months later — after inflation had reached 5.3% and was headed to 9.0% — Biden said that “no serious…

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