Question of the Day

National Debt Per Person

How much is the average national debt for every person living in the United States?

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As of April 1, 2024, the official debt of the U.S. government is $34.6 trillion. This amounts to $102,984 for every person in the nation, $261,677 for every household, 7.3 times annual federal revenues, and 127% of annual U.S. economic output (GDP). That doesn't include the liabilities and unfunded obligations of the federal government, which are more than twice the size of the debt. The consequences of government debt can manifest gradually or abruptly in the form of reduced wages and living standards, higher inflation and taxes, or combinations of such results. Because government debt hurts people through economic mechanisms that are not obvious to them, voters seldom hold politicians accountable for running up debt, and the harmful effects continue.

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