Search Results for: "New York Times"

The New York Times Regularly Publishes Falsehoods That Spur Violent Unrest and Civic Dysfunction

The New York Times’ Brazenly False “Fact Check” About Trump’s Impeachment Trial

New York Times Spreads Falsehood That Motivated Murders of Police

Genuine Facts About Omicron, Delta, Naturally Acquired Immunity, and Vaccines

Critics Fail to Debunk Explosive Study on Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens

Media Repeatedly Deceives Public in Hobby Lobby Coverage

The Hard Facts on Covid-19 Science Denial

Media Misinformation About Arming Teachers

Media Titans Subvert Reality About Biden/Ukraine Profiteering

Social Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide With Leftism, Not Racism

Has Global Warming Turned the North Pole Into a Lake?

Elon Musk is Right and the NY Times is Wrong About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens

Deadly Falsehoods About the Orlando Shooting and Gun Control

Media and Politicians Twist Trump’s Words About Charlottesville

Media Outlets Stir Racial Strife and Slander Trump for Urging Governors to Protect People’s Rights

Smoking Gun: Newly Discovered Emails Confirm Joe Biden Obstructed Justice For His Son’s Foreign Business Deal

Do Large National Debts Harm Economies?

The Real “Big Money” in Politics

Does the Obama Mandate Force You to Pay for Abortions?

Progressive Myths About Mass Shootings and Weapons of War

Media Hypocrisy on Inciting Violence

Four Fabrications About Firearms

FDA Violated Own Safety and Efficacy Standards in Approving Covid-19 Vaccines For Children

Virginia Governor Issues False Statement Defending Late-Term Abortions

Everything You’ve Heard About the Debt Limit is Wrong

NY Times Publishes Slanderous Video About the Death of Trayvon Martin

Yes, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Are Planning to Legalize Abortion Up To Birth

Has Global Warming Made Rainstorms More Intense?

Solar Energy Costs and Impacts

The School Funding Inequity Farce

As Murders Soar, FBI Buries the Data

Myths about School Choice and Betsy DeVos

Media Promotes Junk Science on Fetal Pain

Five Fallacies About Guns and Violence

Public School Funding Per Student Averages 80% More Than Private Schools

The Impact of Obamacare and Ryancare on Medicare

Major Media Stories Ignore Immigration Status of High-Profile Murderer

Finally: Professors and Media Tout Powerful Covid-Killing Technology

Black People Do Not Suffer Disproportionately From Police Brutality

Covid-19 Is Not a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”

Four Underused Tools to Stop School Shootings

Leading Progressives Blame the Wrong Culprit for Rising College Costs

Clinton and Obama’s Brazen Lie About the Iraq Withdrawal

The “Inflation Reduction Act” Will Do Almost Nothing That Joe Manchin Says It Will

Illegal Immigrants Are Far More Likely to Commit Serious Crimes Than the U.S. Public

The SAT Is Feeding Students Solar Industry Propaganda

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest?

EPA’s Lack of Transparency Is a Breeding Ground for Junk Science

Obama’s Mandate Imposes His Views on All Americans

Should the U.S. Adopt Australia’s Strict Gun Laws?

The Effects of Regulations on the Economy

The U.S. is a Democratic Constitutional Republic, and Yes, It Matters

Advocates for Social Welfare Benefits Turn the Truth About Federal Spending on Its Head

Hard Evidence Warranting the Impeachment of Joe Biden

Misleading Claims that Fuel Hatred Against Police Officers

U.S. Life Expectancy Fell With Covid Vax Rollout, NY Times Blames a Lack of Vaccination and White People

How Often Do Citizens Use Guns to Stop Violence?

Bernie Sanders’ Education Plan is Rife With Deceit

Is Ocean Life on the Brink of Mass Extinction?

Donald Trump and the Media Agree on Middle-Class Income, and They are Both Wrong

Krugman and Obama Mislead on Debts and Deficits

Most Late-Term Abortions Are Not Done for Medical Reasons

2017: The Year in Facts and Falsehoods

Think Progress Exaggerates Child Hunger by 8,000%

Rape Facts and Falsehoods

Fetal Pain Facts and Falsehoods

Is the Obama Administration Forcing People to Pay for Abortion-Inducing Drugs?

How to Separate Fact From Fiction

CNN Butchers the Facts on Late-Term Abortions

How Many Americans Go Hungry?

Five Fables About Medicare

Do Those Who Doubt Climate Catastrophism Lack Scientific Credibility?

Widely Touted Study on State and Local Taxes is a Sham

Reporters Distort the Truth About Government Spending

Krugman’s Accounting of the National Debt is Jailworthy

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections

The School Segregation Farce

Paul Krugman’s Claims About the Dangers of Government Debt

Roe v. Wade Allows Abortions for All 9 Months of Pregnancy, Not Just the First 3

Smearing the South With False Charges of Racism

Lack of Assimilation is Economically Harming Latino Immigrants and Society

Support for “Soaking the Rich” Is Rooted in Media Misinformation

Tax Fairness Question at GOP Debate Rooted in Falsehood Spread by Media

USA Today & Facebook Use Slanderous “Fact Check” to Suppress Facts About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens

Hunger Games: Reporters and Pundits Greatly Exaggerate Hunger in America

Newt and the Associated Press Distort Obama’s Born-Alive Abortion Record

The Associated Press Distorts Obama’s Born-Alive Abortion Record

Activists and Journalists Mislead the Public About Carbon Pollution

New Data on Hunger in the United States

Is President Trump’s Border Wall an Outdated, Ineffective Strategy?

Famed Bangladesh Mask Study Excluded Crucial Data

How Hard and Effectively do Americans Work?

The Tax Rates of Wall Streeters and Steelworkers

The Term “Carbon Pollution” Is Unscientific and Misleading

Warren Buffett’s Fraudulent Tax Claims

Warren Buffett’s Fraudulent Tax Claims (Part 2)

What Will Obama’s Greenhouse Gas Regulations Cost and Achieve?

Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election

Visa Overstays Don’t Negate the Benefits of Border Barriers

Myths and Causes of Income Inequality

The Emanuel Church Murders and Racial Violence

Obamacare’s Effects on Wages

Coming To Grips With the Facts About Masks

Question of the Day

…publish articles, commentaries, and videos that influence U.S. elections. For example, Mexican multi-billionaire Carlos Slim became the largest single shareholder of the New York Times Company in 2015 and later…

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In Fact

IN FACT, the contents of the hard drive released by Giuliani were authenticated by the Washington Examiner, the New York Times (buried in the 24th paragraph), the New York Post…

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In Fact

IN FACT, incriminating contents of Hunter’s hard drive have been authenticated by the Washington Examiner, the New York Times (buried in the 24th paragraph), the Washington Post, the New York…

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In Fact

…election. Three months later in February 2017, the New York Times reported that the FBI had received “phone records and intercepted calls” from the NSA showing that “members of Donald…

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In Fact

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof claims that the Washington Post “is a great, great, great paper, and it’s greatness pushes the rest of us in the media world to…

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In Fact

…meal, along with emails to friends and family all bearing dates and times. the New York Times slipped this statement about the laptop into the 24th paragraph of an article…

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In Fact

The New York Times claims that Republicans are wrong to say there is a surge of illegal immigrant crime under Biden, because “U.S. rates of crime and immigration have moved…

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In Fact

President Biden claims that food prices are high because corporations are “ripping people off,” and the New York Times is reporting that Biden’s “aides say those comments are a preview…

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In Fact

MSNBC & New York Times contributor Steven Rattner claims that President Biden is amply deporting illegal immigrants because “immigration courts issue[d] more removal orders in FY 2023 than any year…

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