The New York Times Regularly Publishes Falsehoods That Spur Violent Unrest and Civic Dysfunction
…more primary sources. “Virtually no evidence” of illegal voting by non-citizens “has been discovered.” Disproven by facts from the academic journal Electoral Studies, the U.S. Social Security Administration, the academic…
Read moreThe Average Cost of Public School Education Is 58% More Than Private School
…numerous academic papers provide evidence of the benefits of competition in wide-ranging industries. Likewise, the academic serial work Handbook of Research on School Choice states: Much of the debate over…
Read moreLeading Progressives Blame the Wrong Culprit for Rising College Costs
…graduation rates, academic time investment, and the learning of practical skills are all suffering. The True Costs of College Over the past several decades, college tuitions have ballooned, negatively impacting…
Read moreUSA Today & Facebook Use Slanderous “Fact Check” to Suppress Facts About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens
…Cox could have also found proof of Glen’s professorship at West Point via a peer-reviewed journal, an academic book that he coauthored on the topic of computational probability, or the…
Read moreCritics Fail to Debunk Explosive Study on Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens
…filings and 17 years of academic accomplishments. Among these are citations of Just Facts’ work by a wide variety of prominent and scholarly organizations, including: media outlets, such as CBS,…
Read moreEducation Funding and Results
…U.S. Department of Education, Ph.D. economist Derek Neal from the University of Chicago, and the conservative Heritage Foundation. International Comparisons In academic tests conducted in 34 developed nations, 15-year-old U.S….
Read moreRape Facts and Falsehoods
…allegations does not mean that these were the only false reports. In evaluating this “2%” claim, an academic work about “False Allegations of Sexual Assault“ calls it a “myth” and…
Read moreBernie Sanders’ Education Plan is Rife With Deceit
…these notions are misleading or explicitly false. Racial Segregation Sanders repeatedly blames the “re-segregation of our K–12 schools” for the poor academic performance of black and Latino students. He bases…
Read moreProgressive Myths About Mass Shootings and Weapons of War
…“mass shootings” during 2017. Less than 1% of all murders in the U.S. occur in shootings where four or more people are killed—an academic definition of mass shootings. Because such…
Read moreFederal Report on the Death of Jeffrey Epstein is Rife With Evidence of Foul Play
…population. A 2022 academic paper based on interviews with eight people convicted of murdering child sex offenders in prison found that half of them justified their actions by making statements…
Read moreEffects of Immigration From Impoverished Nations
…past. Moreover, a counter-culture has developed in places where many U.S. immigrants live. The academic book American Immigration: An Encyclopedia of Political, Social, and Cultural Change details these phenomena. Per…
Read moreIllegal Immigrants Are Far More Likely to Commit Serious Crimes Than the U.S. Public
…likely to commit serious crimes than the U.S. population. Studies that claim otherwise typically suffer from fallacies condemned by academic publications about how to accurately analyze data. The Most Concrete…
Read Misrepresents the Dangers of Carbon Dioxide
…dry ice. The truth is that atmospheric CO2 levels don’t approach anywhere near the doses that can cause the symptoms that Robertson lists. Using data from multiple academic sources, Just…
Read moreAre the Oceans Plagued by Plastic?
By James D. Agresti February 28, 2015 Based upon two new papers in academic journals, media outlets have been reporting that the world’s oceans are overwhelmed with plastic waste. However,…
Read moreSocial Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide With Leftism, Not Racism
…of an academic textbook about analyzing data: Association is not the same as causation. This issue is a persistent problem in empirical analysis in the social sciences. Often the investigator…
Read moreWill Global Warming Flood the Coasts of the United States?
…based upon computer models, and the results of such models are frequently cited in the press without any qualifications about their uncertainty. However, as explained in the academic text Flood…
Read moreThe Associated Press on Greenhouse Gases, the United States, and the Kyoto Protocol
By James D. Agresti November 8, 2011 Revised 11/15/11 Citing various academic sources, AP science writer Seth Borenstein is reporting that • “levels of greenhouse gases are higher than the…
Read moreMyths and Causes of Income Inequality
…recognized by monetary institutions, economics textbooks, and academic journals as the most common measure of income inequality. Since 1967, which is as far back as the Census Bureau provides this…
Read moreFour Underused Tools to Stop School Shootings
…protect students. Here are four life-saving tools they are missing or dismissing. Shatter-Resistant Entryways As documented in the academic journal Victims & Offenders, an “immediate and economical” way to protect…
Read moreThere’s No Objective Evidence the Federal “Assault Weapons” Ban Saved Lives
…a far more deadly business.” Nevertheless, the portion of the U.S. population killed in mass shootings (defined in academic literature as those in which four or more people are killed),…
Read moreLack of Assimilation is Economically Harming Latino Immigrants and Society
…and should be a “salad bowl” in which people mix but remain culturally distinct. The editors of the academic serial work American Immigration: An Encyclopedia of Political, Social, and Cultural…
Read moreSubstantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections
…in the 2016 presidential election than in the 2008 election. The Electoral Studies Paper In 2014, the academic journal Electoral Studies published a paper by three scholars who analyzed the…
Read moreFact Checkers Cover for Democratic Party’s Sordid History With the Ku Klux Klan
…today. Per the 1971 academic book White Terror: The Ku Klux Klan Conspiracy and Southern Reconstruction, the “real beginning” of the “Ku Klux conspiracy” occurred at an 1867 meeting in…
Read moreHow to Thwart the Nefarious Propaganda Technique of Projection
…the horrid track record of so-called fact checkers and the widespread breakdown of journalistic and academic integrity, this fatally flawed study only reinforces the need to conduct your own research….
Read moreWarren Buffett’s Fraudulent Tax Claims
…to accurately calculate tax burdens. For instance, the academic book Federal Taxation explains that using “taxable income” to compute tax burdens is a “bit misleading” and says “little about the…
Read moreBusing, Segregation, and Education
…academic outcomes of minority students in Democrat-dominated schools. However, since the early 1970s, school districts with high portions of minority students have spent about the same average amount per student…
Read moreThe Most Objective Evidence Shows No Indication That Covid Vaccines Save More Lives Than They Take
…This is called “overgeneralizing,” and academic works on applied statistics warn that “researchers in the behavioral and social sciences almost always want to make inferences beyond their samples,” but this…
Read moreQuantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election
…“fact checkers” have tried to contest the reality that substantial numbers of non-citizens vote in U.S. elections, but a multitude of facts from academic books and journals have shown that…
Read moreFour Fabrications About Firearms
…Forensic Science: Advanced Investigations, “Very often, a criminal chooses a target based on the vulnerability of the victim.” The academic book The Psychology of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior: Victim and…
Read moreSocial Security’s Trust Fund to Start Losing Value in 2013
…academic serial work Quantitative Investing for the Global Markets affirms that “we should be concerned not with nominal quantities [i.e., those not adjusted for inflation] but with real ones.” In…
Read moreMyths about School Choice and Betsy DeVos
…have been performed on the academic outcomes of students who remain in public schools that are subject to school choice programs. All but one found neutral-to-positive results, and none found…
Read moreElon Musk is Right and the NY Times is Wrong About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens
…outlets and “fact checkers” have tried to contest those realities, but a multitude of facts from academic books and journals have shown that their arguments consist of mathematically illiterate notions,…
Read moreFamed Bangladesh Mask Study Excluded Crucial Data
…academic works: “Manipulation of data involves subjecting data to multiple statistical techniques until one achieves the desired outcome.” “A general principle of data analysis recommends using the most appropriate, yet…
Read moreThomas Jefferson, Racism, and Slavery
…the current day. A 2015 serial work about academic theories on Africa describes “a significant body of modern scientific literature” from “comparative and evolutionary psychology” claiming that “sub-Saharan African populations…
Read moreEPA’s Lack of Transparency Is a Breeding Ground for Junk Science
…transparent farce, because there is a common practice to protect the privacy of such records when study data is released. As detailed in an academic book about medical research, “Researchers…
Read moreFederal Fiscal Shortfall Surges Past $100 Trillion
…range of academic publications explain that excessive government debt can cause far-reaching negative outcomes, such as lower wages, weak economic growth, increased inflation, higher taxes, reduced government benefits, or combinations…
Read moreCongressional Records Prove Biden’s Student Loan Cancellations Are Illegal
…since 1960, even after accounting for inflation: Over the same period, colleges have greatly reduced academic loads, significantly inflated grades, and failed to instill practical and literacy skills in large…
Read moreHow to Separate Fact From Fiction
…topics, with tools to help people use this knowledge in everyday life. This includes subjects like identifying the strengths and weaknesses of academic studies, evaluating the credibility of polls, and…
Read moreFederal Fiscal Shortfall Nears $1 Million Per Household
…will be due to social programs and interest on the national debt. Harmful Effects A broad range of academic publications explain that excessive government debt can cause far-reaching negative outcomes,…
Read moreThe NAACP’s Counterfactual Claim About Racial Inequity in Police Stops
…as speeding, driving with an expired license plate, or operating a vehicle with a broken headlight or blinker. For example, a study conducted in NJ and published by the academic…
Read moreFactCheck Abets False Obama Claim About Romney’s Taxes
…of this key variable by using values ranging from 33% to 100%, which were determined by researching a wide array of academic literature. CBO’s new figure of 75% falls roughly…
Read more50 Examples of Fake News in 2024
…“foreigners, aliens.” 25: Academic Plagiarism The Associated Press reported that the resignation of Harvard president Claudine Gay under a cloud of plagiarism allegation “highlights a new conservative weapon against colleges.”…
Read moreFalse Arguments Against Evidence of Vote Fraud
…a better match with Census estimates of the population. Weighting is a common method of adjusting survey data to make it representative of a population. As explained in the academic…
Read moreDeceitful Evidence of Job Market Discrimination
…careers. These [academic achievement] uniformities make [racial] comparisons within the legal education system much easier. Blacks [who pass the bar exam] earn 6% to 9% more early in their careers…
Read moreMost Federal Employees Are Paid More Than Their Private-Sector Counterparts
…the U.S. Government Accountability Office published an examination of six studies identified through a “detailed literature review of academic journals” and other sources to find recent, original studies that “have…
Read moreYes, the U.S. Constitution Forbids Government From Racial Discrimination
…academic book White Terror: The Ku Klux Klan Conspiracy and Southern Reconstruction: “The Klan became in effect a terrorist arm of the Democratic party, whether the party leaders as a…
Read moreAs Murders Soar, FBI Buries the Data
…and political propaganda. In the words of an academic textbook about analyzing data: Association is not the same as causation. This issue is a persistent problem in empirical analysis in…
Read moreGenuine Facts About Omicron, Delta, Naturally Acquired Immunity, and Vaccines
…U.S. government agencies have virtually ignored it except on a website that stores copies of academic papers. The upshot of this genetic proof-reading mechanism, as explained in the March 2020…
Read moreReal Violent Crime Trends
…source of violent crime data is the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which is conducted by the Department of Justice. In the words of an academic book published by the…
Read moreThe Washington Post’s Slander on Hurricanes and Climate Change
…level. The academic serial work Flood Geomorphology stresses the danger of relying on computer models instead of hard data: True science is concerned with understanding nature no matter what the…
Read moreSocial Security Trust Fund to Begin Declining in 2014, Not 2021
…the academic work Quantitative Investing for the Global Markets affirms that “we should be concerned not with nominal quantities [i.e., those not adjusted for inflation] but with real ones.” The…
Read moreThe Term “Carbon Pollution” Is Unscientific and Misleading
…carbon emissions that contaminate the water we drink and pollute the air that we breathe.” In stark contrast, the academic book Carbon Dioxide Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations…
Read moreMedia Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest?
…broad array of academic disciplines. Mr. Agresti’s Christian political bias is evident on the Just Facts Daily website, but less so here. Just Facts is a Non-Profit. For political affiliation…
Read moreActivists and Journalists Mislead the Public About Carbon Pollution
…dioxide (CO2), which academic texts describe as a “relatively nonreactive and nontoxic” gas that is “vital to life” and “does not cause cancer, affect development or suppress the immune system…
Read morePowerful Groups Are Hiding Facts About Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens
…Here are the pivotal facts that NPR, the BBC, the Brennan Center, and NewsGuard kept from their audiences: The authors of the 2014 paper, published by the academic journal Electoral…
Read moreHurricanes, Rainfall, and Climate Change
…academic book about analyzing data, “One of the worst abuses of analytics is to cherry pick results. Cherry pickers tout analysis findings when the results serve the purpose at hand….
Read moreFederal Fiscal Burden Consumes 93% of America’s Wealth
…is due to soar to unprecedented levels over coming decades. Harmful Effects A broad range of academic publications explain that excessive government debt can cause far-reaching negative outcomes, such as…
Read moreMedia Misinformation About Arming Teachers
…Science: Advanced Investigations, “Very often, a criminal chooses a target based on the vulnerability of the victim.” The academic book The Psychology of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior: Victim and Offender…
Read morePoll Reveals Voters are Uninformed About Major Issues
…21 high-quality studies have been performed on the academic outcomes of students who remain in public schools that are subject to school choice programs. All but one of the studies…
Read moreComing To Grips With the Facts About Masks
…those “misinformation” policies and other pronouncements of tech giants, government officials, media outlets, and fact checkers often flout basic principles of academic integrity, spread deadly falsehoods, and suppress facts that…
Read moreWidely Touted Study on State and Local Taxes is a Sham
…famous allegation that he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary is based upon the dishonest practice of using “taxable income” for his calculations. As the academic textbook Federal…
Read moreMedia Titans Subvert Reality About Biden/Ukraine Profiteering
…CBS, the New York Times, and the Associated Press is consistent with recent academic research that finds large corporate media outlets “play a significant and important role in the dissemination…
Read moreBlame for the National Debt
…but the vast majority of these analyses fail to pass even basic standards of intellectual honesty or academic rigor. This is because they use misleading measures of debt or fail…
Read moreQuestion of the Day
As explained in the academic book Chemical Exposure and Toxic Responses, “The relationship between the dose of a toxicant and the resulting effect is the most fundamental aspect of toxicology….
Read moreQuestion of the Day
Numerous academic sources document that governments engage in inflationary policies to effectively tax citizens at higher rates and/or to default on their national debts. For example, a 2009 book published…
Read moreQuestion of the Day
…Hispanic non-citizens. These disparities are because high-skilled immigrants are typically in the U.S. legally and tend to become U.S. citizens, while low-skilled ones do not. Per the academic encyclopedia “Immigration…
Read moreQuestion of the Day
The academic journal “Archives of Sexual Behavior” recently published a study of 2,772 adolescents in the Northern Netherlands who were surveyed about feelings of gender dysphoria six times from the…
Read moreQuestion of the Day
…salaries and classrooms), public services (like informational conferences), and academic support (like libraries and information technology). Facts about whether or not colleges are equipping students with practical skills are located…
Read moreQuestion of the Day
…preexisting conditions “is to charge high premiums, getting enough money out of those without preexisting conditions to pay the expected costs.” Likewise, an academic textbook on healthcare accounting explains that…
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