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Moving To Texas

According to New York Times columnist Farhad Manjoo, why is "everyone moving to Texas"?

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In a NY Times column titled "Everyone's Moving to Texas. Here's Why," Times columnist Farhad Manjoo cites "lower climate risks" as a major reason why millions of people are moving to TX. He mentions other factors like job opportunities, lower taxes, lower housing costs, and greater racial diversity, but he references climate change 17 times, more than any of the others. Without citing any evidence that anyone moved to TX for lower climate risks, he rationalizes that "Texas is very hot and likely to get hotter; but if a lot of other American cities also begin to get very hot, Texas cities might not feel as overheated by comparison." He also claims, "I suspect that politics isn't a primary factor in most people's moving decisions" and asks, "Could I live in a state where the governor tried to ban mask mandates?" A 2021 U-Haul study found that the top states people are moving to (TX & FL) are run by Republicans, while the top states people are leaving (CA & IL) are run by Democrats.

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