Question of the Day

Super Size Me

After 6 months of eating 3 meals per day at McDonald's, how much weight did high school science teacher Tom Cisna gain?

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After viewing the documentary "Super Size Me," high school science teacher Tom Cisna conducted a 6-month experiment in which he ate 3 meals per day at McDonald's. During this period, he lost 56 pounds, and his cholesterol dropped from 249 to 190. Cisna ate 2,000 calories per day and stated, "This isn't something where you say, 'Well he went to McDonalds and he only had the salads.' No, I had the Big Macs, the quarter pounders with cheese. I had sundaes, I had ice cream cones." In "Super Size Me," the writer and director claimed that eating at McDonald's for 1 month caused a large weight gain and serious damage to his health. However, he misled his audience about how much he ate and has refused to release his food log. He also said in the documentary that this diet damaged his liver and that he was not drinking alcohol, but he later blamed revelations about him sexually abusing women on the fact that he hasn't "been sober for more than a week in 30 years."

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