Question of the Day

Democrat Abortion Agenda

Do most Congressional Democrats support legalizing abortion on pre-birth humans who are viable and can live outside the womb?

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In 2021, 99% of Congressional Democrats voted to strike down all state laws that prohibit abortion "after fetal viability" if any abortionist claims it is for the "health" of the mother. By the point of viability, humans hear sounds, make coordinated movements, exhibit conscious motor planning, and feel pain. So-called journalists and fact checkers have systematically misled the public to believe that Democrats don't support legalizing abortion after viability. They do this by failing to report that the bills supported by Democrats legalize abortion up to birth if any abortionist claims it is for "health." With regard to this standard, late-term abortionist Warren Hern stated, "I will certify that any pregnancy is a threat to a woman's life and could cause grievous injury to her physical health."

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