Question of the Day

Border Crossing Gotaways

Over the past year, how many people did the U.S. Border Patrol detect illegally crossing the Southwest border that got away before they were apprehended?

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During the federal government's 2023 fiscal year, the U.S. Border Patrol detected 770,000 "got aways," or people who illegally crossed the Southwest border and were not apprehended. This is 6.0 times the average gotaways per year from before the Biden administration to as far back as records exist. These 770,000 gotaways don't include illegal border crossers who were not detected. Nor do they include more than two million people who were apprehended crossing the border but were nevertheless let into the U.S. during Biden's presidency. For as far back in time as objective measures of border security extend, the Southwest border is currently less secure than it has ever been. Yet, President Biden and his appointees are attempting to bury the data while declaring that the border is "secure" and blaming others for problems that have multiplied under their policies.

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