Question of the Day

Debt Limit Compromise

By how much would the current debt limit compromise reduce the growth of the national debt over the next 10 years relative to President Biden's budget framework?

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Joe Biden has proposed a budget framework that will allow the national debt to grow over the next decade by $19.8 trillion, according to his own administration's projections. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the current debt limit compromise, dubbed the "Fiscal Responsibility Act," would reduce deficits by about $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years. This amounts to cutting 8% of the debt that would accumulate under Biden's budget framework. Current federal debts, liabilities, and unfunded obligations are $135 trillion, an average burden of more than $1 million on every home in the nation. Such levels of red ink have perilous consequences for nearly everyone, like higher inflation, wage stagnation, investment losses, and lower standards of living.

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