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NPR Funding

According to NPR, is government funding essential to NPR's operations?

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Twitter recently added a label which says "Government-Funded Media" to all posts from NPR. In response, NPR said it will stop posting to Twitter and claimed, "Even if we were government funded, which we're not, the point is the independence, because all journalism has revenue of some sort." In contrast, NPR's webpage on "Public Radio Finances" states, "Federal funding is essential to public radio's service to the American public and its continuation is critical for both stations and program producers, including NPR." Paradoxically, the webpage also says that "less than 1% of NPR's annual operating budget comes in the form of grants from CPB and federal agencies and departments." However, that excludes the money NPR receives from its "member organizations," which constitute 31% of NPR's revenues. About 13% of the revenues of these organizations are funded by CPB and other federal, state, and local government agencies.

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