Question of the Day

C-19 & Wet Markets

Is there any evidence that the source of the virus that causes Covid-19 was bats or pangolins sold in the wet markets of Wuhan, China?

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Numerous media outlets and "experts" have reported that the virus which causes Covid-19 probably came from a bat and/or pangolin sold at a wet market in Wuhan, China. Contrary to such claims, an extensive scientific survey of animals sold at all Wuhan wet markets was ongoing at the time the virus emerged, and it found no evidence that bats or pangolins were sold. The journal Nature published the results of this study in 2021 and reported that the survey: 1) took place from May 2017 to Nov 2019 when SARS-CoV-2 arose; (2) documented 47,381 animals from 38 species; and (3) found "no pangolin or bat species were among these animals for sale." The study's authors also noted that "vendors freely disclosed a variety of protected species on sale illegally in their shops," and "so we are confident this list is complete."

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