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Is Covid-19 similar to the flu in that people commonly catch repeated bad cases of it unless they are vaccinated every year?

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Per the Journal of Infectious Diseases, "All viruses mutate, but influenza remains highly unusual among infectious diseases" because it mutates very rapidly, and thus, "new vaccines are needed almost every year" to protect against it. In stark contrast, a molecular biology journal documents that once a quality vaccine for C-19 is developed, it "would not need regular updates, unlike seasonal influenza vaccines" since the C-19 virus "does not mutate rapidly for an RNA virus because, unusually for this category, it has a proof-reading function" in its genetics. This has been corroborated by at least 20 studies indicating that naturally acquired immunity to C-19 is potent and durable, even to the variants. In fact, repeated Covid mRNA vaccinations may actually increase the risk of getting Covid again because the spike proteins they produce are neurotoxic and can compromise immune systems. This effect is documented by a 2022 paper in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology.

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