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What portion of all children in the U.S. aged 5 to 14 have died with a Covid-19 infection since the outset of the pandemic?

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From the start of the C-19 pandemic in March 2020 through October 2, 2021, one in every 254,610 children in the U.S. aged 5 to 14 have died with a Covid-19 infection. Likewise, a working paper published by the government-funded National Child Mortality Database in the UK found that one in every 200,000 children and young people (<18 years) in England died with a Covid-19 infection during the first year of the pandemic. The lead author of the study further explained that "only 40% of children and young people who had a positive Covid-19 test at the time of death actually died from Covid-19, emphasising that the risks are lower than simple numbers might suggest. Children and young people with complex neurodisability were at the highest risk of death."

DocumentationU.S. DataUK Data

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