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Do Joe Biden and Kamala Harris plan to legalize abortions on humans who are capable of living outside the womb?

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Contrary to the claims of several "fact checkers," Biden and Harris plan to legalize abortions on humans who are capable of living outside the womb and all the way up till birth. In their own words, they will do this by "codifying Roe v. Wade," which prohibits states from banning abortions at any stage of pregnancy if any abortionist claims it is for "the health of the mother." Some examples of how Roe defines threats to health include the work of "child care," the "stigma of unwed motherhood," and "the distress" of parenting "an unwanted child." Roe's broad health exception was reaffirmed by the Supreme Court in the 1992 case of Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Since then, many states have passed laws that defy Roe and Casey, but Biden and Harris have promised to repeal all of them through a federal law. On 9/24/21, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would do that if it becomes law.

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