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Are Hispanic immigrants more or less likely than the general U.S. population to prefer a bigger government that provides more services?

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A nationally representative bilingual poll of 784 immigrant Latinos commissioned by Pew Research in 2011 found that 81% would prefer "a bigger government providing more services," and 12% would prefer "a smaller government with fewer services." In contrast, Pew found that 41% of the general U.S. population would prefer a bigger government, and 48% want a smaller one. In accord with this survey and Democratic Party Platforms that promise bigger government, later surveys have found that immigrant Latinos are far more likely to vote for Democrats than Republicans. Eliseo Medina, who led a large union's "efforts to achieve comprehensive immigration reform" stated that the "progressive community" can "expand and solidify the progressive coalition for the future" by putting "12 million" unauthorized immigrants "on the path to citizenship and eventually voting." He added that this will create a progressive "governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle."

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