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What portion of state prison inmates who carried a gun during crimes for which they were jailed obtained their firearms from gun shows?

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A study of 2004 data published by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2013 found that 0.8% of state prisoners who carried a gun during crimes for which they were jailed obtained their firearms from gun shows. A DOJ study of 1997 data published in 2001 found the same result. These firearm-carrying criminals obtained their guns from the following sources: 40.0% through an illegal/street source, 37.4% through family or friends, 7.3% at a retail store, 2.6% at a pawnshop, 0.8% at a gun show, and 0.6% at a flea market. Per the DOJ, "A gun show is an exhibition or gathering where guns, gun parts, ammunition, gun accessories, and literature are displayed, bought, sold, traded, and discussed." Roughly 2,000 to 5,200 gun shows take place each year in the United States.

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