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Based on current data, do people who have caught Covid-19 and recovered from it have more or less immunity to the disease than people who have been vaccinated against it?

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A February 2021 paper in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation analyzed all reported cases of C-19 in Austria during the first and second waves of the pandemic. It found that people who caught C-19 during the first wave developed a degree of immune protection to the second wave that "is comparable with the highest available estimates on vaccine efficacies." The study also found that no one who recovered from C-19 in the first wave died from C-19 during the second wave. These results are consistent with studies published by the New England Journal of Medicine in February 2021 and the Journal of Infection in December 2020. Facts showing that recovery from C-19 would likely confer a high degree of immunity were published in medical journals, textbooks, and encyclopedias near or before the outset of the pandemic 12 months ago. However, the World Health Organization and media routinely ignored these facts.

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