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Among the 1.9 million children in Sweden who attended school from March to June of 2020 while masks were not required or encouraged, how many died from Covid-19?

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This month, the New England Journal of Medicine published a registry study of 1.9 million Swedish children who were 1 to 16 years of age and attended school from March to June of 2020 while masks were not required or "encouraged." The study found that (1) "no child with Covid-19 died," (2) "15 children with Covid-19 (including those with MIS-C [multi-inflammatory syndrome]) were admitted to an ICU" including those admitted for reasons that had nothing to do with C-19 (like cancer and accidents), and (3) "the number of deaths from any cause among" Swedish children in this age group was 65 in the 4 months prior to the C-19 pandemic and 69 during the first 4 months of the C-19 pandemic.

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