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Cal Berkeley professor Robert Reich claims that Donald Trump is using “the language of fascism” by “describing immigrants as not humans, but animals.”

IN FACT, Trump used the word “animals” to describe murderous illegal aliens like MS-13 gang members — not immigrants in general. Democrats and the media have repeatedly demonized Trump by quoting him out of context. Here’s nine prime examples:

1) The “animals” hoax

2) The “very fine people” hoax.

3) The “inciting insurrection” hoax.

4) The “quid pro quo” hoax.

5) The “dominate peaceful protesters” hoax.

6) The “hack Hillary’s emails” hoax.

7) The “indicting political opponents” hoax.

8) The “don’t fix the border” hoax.

9) The “bloodbath” hoax.

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