“Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”
Based on chart made from CDC data, MSNBC’s Steven Rattner claims that the “Omicron wave of Covid was 10x more deadly for unvaccinated Americans.”
IN FACT, Rattner’s chart was crafted with devious statistics that mislabel all Covid-19 deaths among people “with unknown vaccination status” as “not fully vaccinated.”
While peddling such disinformation, Covid vax supporters deny and ignore these vital facts:
- gold standard studies found no evidence that C-19 vaccines save more lives than they take.
- life expectancy fell after widespread C-19 vaccination.
- more vaccinated people died from C-19 than the unvaccinated.
- Covid deaths enduringly plunged not when vaccines were deployed but after naturally acquired immunity flourished, exactly as Just Facts predicted and governments and the media widely denied: