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Child C-19 Vaccines

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The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin claims that “Republicans want to kill your kids” because they “oppose vaccinations.”

IN FACT, Biden’s FDA repeatedly violated its own safety and efficacy standards when it approved Covid-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months old. With cover from the media, the FDA granted the approvals even though the clinical trials:

  • found adverse reactions to the vaccines, including fevers up to 105.4 ºF, eye-rolling seizures, convulsions, limping, and a “severe” decline in white blood cells that creates the “risk of overwhelming infection.”
  • did not enroll enough children to show any clinically meaningful benefits like preventing severe Covid-19, hospitalization, or death.
  • would need to be 400,000 times larger/longer to determine if the vaccines save more toddlers and preschoolers than they kill.
  • used antibody tests that are not targeted to the Omicron variant, which accounted for 100% of current Covid-19 cases at the time.
  • excluded children apt to have serious adverse reactions to the vaccines.
  • failed to report the absolute efficacy rates of the vaccines, which a medical journal explains can “mislead and distort the public’s interpretation of Covid-19 mRNA vaccine efficacy and violate the ethical and legal obligations of informed consent.”
  • largely excluded children with evidence of a prior Covid infection, which exaggerates the efficacy of the vaccines and may downplay their risks.
  • had 1–3 months of blinded follow up for safety and efficacy, while the FDA and other health agencies said that one year should be the bare minimum.

The bulk of the facts above come directly from the FDA, often buried on webpages in long lists of documents with vague recurring names like “Decision Memorandum.”

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