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Illegal Immigrant Crime Rates

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NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Peter Alexander claims that “undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a much lower percentage than Americans do.”

IN FACT, illegal immigrants commit serious, imprisonable crimes at much higher rates than Americans. Frequent claims to the contrary are based on fatally flawed studies laced with these five defects:

1) They use blatantly dishonest measures to calculate crime rates, like dividing the number of NON-CITIZENS in prison by the TOTAL number of ALL immigrants.

2) They fail to account for the fact that most criminals are repeat offenders, and the U.S. deports 150,000 non-citizen criminal convicts per year, thus reducing the number who remain in the U.S.

3) They mix together illegal and legal immigrants, the latter of which must pass a criminal background check to immigrate and are therefore much more law-abiding than the general public.

4) They fail to account for the fact that racial minorities who commit violent crimes in the U.S. are significantly less likely to be caught than white violent criminals.

5) They fail to account for the fact that the vast bulk of illegal immigrants commit identity fraud and/or tax evasion but are rarely prosecuted for these crimes, even though they are federal felonies punishable by up to five years in prison.

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