Search Results for: PolitiFact

PolitiFact Warps Reality About Left-Wing Activist Inciting Capitol Riot

PolitiFact and Facebook Spread Gravely Dangerous Falsehood About the Covid-19 Survival Rate

PolitiFact’s Deceptive Report on Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens

PolitiFact Covers Up Biden’s Role in the Murder of Laken Riley

False Arguments Against Evidence of Vote Fraud

Fact Checkers Cover for Democratic Party’s Sordid History With the Ku Klux Klan

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections

Judge Commits Fraud to Accuse Trump of Fraud

Yes, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Are Planning to Legalize Abortion Up To Birth

Illegal Immigrants and Federal Income Taxes

There’s No Objective Evidence the Federal “Assault Weapons” Ban Saved Lives

Beware of the “Fact Checkers”

Donald Trump and the Media Agree on Middle-Class Income, and They are Both Wrong

Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest?

USA Today & Facebook Use Slanderous “Fact Check” to Suppress Facts About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens

Warren Buffett’s Fraudulent Tax Claims

Elon Musk is Right and the NY Times is Wrong About Illegal Voting By Non-Citizens

Trump Indicted for Citing Data From Ph.D.-Vetted Study to Challenge Election Fraud

Clinton and Obama’s Brazen Lie About the Iraq Withdrawal

Illegal Immigrants Are Far More Likely to Commit Serious Crimes Than the U.S. Public

The Tax Rates of Wall Streeters and Steelworkers

The Impact of Obamacare and Ryancare on Medicare

2017: The Year in Facts and Falsehoods

Support for “Soaking the Rich” Is Rooted in Media Misinformation

Media Misinformation About Arming Teachers

Tax Fairness Question at GOP Debate Rooted in Falsehood Spread by Media

Think Progress Exaggerates Child Hunger by 8,000%

Question of the Day

Virtually every major media outlet and so-called fact checkers like Snopes and PolitiFact cited a dashboard called “Hamilton 68” as evidence that Russian actors were trying to influence Americans on…

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In Fact

IN FACT, PolitiFact’s analysis fails to account for 770,000 illegal immigrant gotaways/year and 800,000 visa overstays/year. Still, Facebook is using this bogus “fact check” to suppress Carlson’s video despite PolitiFact’s…

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In Fact

In a so-called “fact check” of the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, PolitiFact claimed that Harris was “correct that Trump helped kill a bipartisan border security bill.”…

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In Fact

The “fact checker” PolitiFact claims that Donald Trump is wrong that Democrats support abortion measures that result in the “execution” of babies “after birth.”…

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In Fact

PolitiFact claims that a Florida ballot measure wouldn’t legalize “abortion up to birth” because it only allow for late-term abortions “when necessary” to “protect the health of the pregnant woman.”…

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In Fact

A so-called fact checker named PolitiFact claims that mRNA Covid vaccines are “helping save millions of lives,” and Facebook is using their “fact check” to suppress a study that found…

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In Fact

PolitiFact claims that Democrats don’t support “abortion on demand” up to birth because they only support such abortions if the pregnancy poses a “risk” to “health.”…

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In Fact

The “fact checker” PolitiFact claims “there is no evidence of the Biden administration importing immigrants so that Democrats win elections.”…

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In Fact

Just last month, while PolitiFact was claiming that Biden had nothing to do with Riley’s murder, Just Facts documented that “the person charged with this murder was let in as…

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In Fact

PolitiFact claims “there’s no evidence” for Donald Trump’s “ridiculous claim” that Democrats are allowing millions of illegal border crossers into the country so they can sign them up to vote….

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