Search Results for: "global warming"

Will Global Warming Flood the Coasts of the United States?

Insecticide Ban, Not Global Warming, Accords With Outbreak of Disease-Carrying Insects

Has Global Warming Made Rainstorms More Intense?

Has Global Warming Turned the North Pole Into a Lake?

Hurricanes, Rainfall, and Climate Change

Is the Earth Warming Catastrophically Fast?

Climate Change Fears of Teen Activist Are Empirically Baseless

The Washington Post’s Slander on Hurricanes and Climate Change

Do Those Who Doubt Climate Catastrophism Lack Scientific Credibility?

The Nation of Kiribati Is Growing, Not Sinking

The “Anti-Science” Accusation

What Will Obama’s Greenhouse Gas Regulations Cost and Achieve?

Solar Energy Costs and Impacts Misrepresents the Dangers of Carbon Dioxide

The SAT Is Feeding Students Solar Industry Propaganda

Electric Cars Are Not “Zero-Emission Vehicles”

2017: The Year in Facts and Falsehoods

The U.S. is a Democratic Constitutional Republic, and Yes, It Matters

Bans on Plastic Bags Harm the Environment

Fact-Based Poll Reveals Fictions Believed by Voters

Poll Reveals Voters Misinformed About Key Issues

The Term “Carbon Pollution” Is Unscientific and Misleading

The Science of Abortion: When Does Life Begin?

Pre-Election Poll: Voters Broadly Misinformed About Key Issues

Poll Reveals Voters are Uninformed About Major Issues

Poll: Public Broadly Unaware that “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” was Disproved by Obama Administration

The New York Times Regularly Publishes Falsehoods That Spur Violent Unrest and Civic Dysfunction

Question of the Day

In 1989, a NASA scientist and leading researcher on global warming projected that the Earth’s average temperature would increase by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit “by the year 2020.” What was the…

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In Fact

…to be relocated” “not long after” the “next few decades” “because of the rising sea level, due to global warming.” The coastal population of Florida has since grown by 61%….

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In Fact

…“because of the rising sea level, due to global warming.” The coastal population of Florida has since grown by 61%. That is just one among dozens of failed predictions by…

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In Fact

IN FACT, a broad array of outcomes allegedly harmed by global warming have stayed level or improved for the past 30–170 years. Furthermore, actions to “fight the climate crisis” impoverish…

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