Does the Obama Mandate Force You to Pay for Abortions?
…are these leading scientists? One of them is Susan Wood, the same professor quoted by NPR. Like NPR, the Times fails to reveal that she is an active political donor…
Read moreMedia Repeatedly Deceives Public in Hobby Lobby Coverage
…relies upon the very same NPR story. This NPR story, in turn, is derived from a New York Times story that is rife with falsehoods. Just Facts has conducted an…
Read moreYes, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Are Planning to Legalize Abortion Up To Birth
…Asma Khalid and Sam Gringlas of NPR “Democrats generally back abortion rights, but Biden isn’t pushing to allow abortions for any reason up until birth.” – Eugene Kiely, Lori Robertson,…
Read morePowerful Groups Are Hiding Facts About Illegal Voting by Non-Citizens
…systematically debunked their arguments. Now, a new gamut of organizations are assailing the study, including: NPR and the BBC, two of the world’s largest taxpayer-funded media outlets. the Brennan Center…
Read moreMedia Titans Subvert Reality About Biden/Ukraine Profiteering
…history of Ukraine. In the face of all of these incriminating facts, NPR’s Public Editor posted a Tweet saying that NPR is not reporting on “the NY Post’s Hunter Biden…
Read moreSmoking Gun: Newly Discovered Emails Confirm Joe Biden Obstructed Justice For His Son’s Foreign Business Deal
…Hunter’s laptop to “improperly discredit and falsely claim that derogatory information about Biden’s activities was disinformation, causing investigative activity and sourcing to be shut down.” In October 2020, NPR managing…
Read moreProgressive Myths About Mass Shootings and Weapons of War
…of major media outlets: CNN, USA Today, NPR, Business Insider, CBS Chicago, and the New York Times all ran stories that described Willeford’s AR-15 simply as a “gun” or “rifle”…
Read moreThe School Funding Inequity Farce
…out of local property taxes.” Clare Lombardo of National Public Radio (NPR) reported in 2019 that “high-poverty districts serving mostly students of color receive about $1,600 less per student than…
Read moreMedia and Politicians Twist Trump’s Words About Charlottesville
…legally protest.’” NPR in Rhode Island aired a commentary stating, “President Donald Trump only made things worse by saying that some of the white nationalists were ‘very fine people.’” National…
Read moreThe Washington Post’s Slander on Hurricanes and Climate Change
…Houston area was a decisive factor in its destructiveness. Florence may behave similarly. The hyperlink in the quote above leads to an NPR article, which links to another NPR article,…
Read more2017: The Year in Facts and Falsehoods
…York Times, NPR, and National Review. Falsehood #3: The U.S. middle class has been economically stagnant or declining for decades. Such claims have been voiced by everyone from Elizabeth Warren…
Read moreMedia Misinformation About Arming Teachers
…by a former NRA instructor to stop the carnage in the 2017 church shooting in Sutherland Hills, Texas. Yet, CNN, USA Today, NPR, Business Insider, CBS Chicago, and the New…
Read moreMaximum Facts About the Minimum Wage
…appear in articles by CBS, NPR, PBS, Reuters, the Washington Post, Vox, and ABC News, as well as commentaries published by Time, Rolling Stone, and the Los Angeles Times, and…
Read moreSocial Ills That Plague African Americans Coincide With Leftism, Not Racism
…proportions of white students. This allegation has been made by Elizabeth Warren, the New York Times, the Associated Press, Education Week, NPR, and Bernie Sanders. Their claims, however, are based…
Read moreFive Fallacies About Guns and Violence
…NPR, Newsmax, USA Today, and countless other media outlets asserted that the Colorado gunman used an “assault rifle.” This is patently untrue. An assault rifle, as explained by the Associated…
Read moreU.S. Life Expectancy Fell With Covid Vax Rollout, NY Times Blames a Lack of Vaccination and White People
…“may have.” Just Facts then asked Woolf if he planned to ask the Times for a correction, and he didn’t reply. In June 2021, NPR reported on a study from…
Read moreDonald Trump and the Media Agree on Middle-Class Income, and They are Both Wrong
…2000.” Many “fact checkers” of Trump’s speech declared this statement to be true, including those of the New York Times, PolitiFact, Vox, and NPR. In reality, the data cited by…
Read moreGenuine Facts About Omicron, Delta, Naturally Acquired Immunity, and Vaccines
By James D. Agresti January 5, 2022 Overview Given the recent outbreak of the Omicron variant and much still unknown about it, the facts surrounding the Delta variant provide a…
Read morePolitiFact Warps Reality About Left-Wing Activist Inciting Capitol Riot
…or fashion” and “was only there to experience and witness what went down.” PolitiFact then cites Jade Sacker, a photojournalist who has done work for NBC and NPR to back…
Read moreEverything You’ve Heard About the Debt Limit is Wrong
…a debt. In concert with Biden, scores of media outlets—such as Politico, NPR, CNN, NBC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post—have reported that not raising the debt limit…
Read moreAre Incandescent Light Bulbs Being Banned?
…Contrastingly, NPR calls such statements “rumors” and says that incandescent bulbs will merely be more efficient—and the only difference we’ll notice is that our electric bills will be lower. Reality…
Read moreObama’s Mandate Imposes His Views on All Americans
…facts are clear that some of these products destroy viable human embryos, which is abortion or tantamount to it. Yet, NPR, the New York Times, and others are obscuring these…
Read moreThe Payroll Tax Holiday Does Not Impact Social Security, but It Does Redistribute Wealth
By James D. Agresti December 7, 2011 NPR is reporting, “The payroll tax holiday that Congress approved a year ago reduced Social Security’s revenues this year by $145 billion.” Many…
Read moreCovid-19 Is Not a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”
…as megaphones for Fauci and Walensky without a word of critical analysis. This involved reports from the likes of ABC News, NPR, The Hill, CNN, Politico, Rolling Stone, USA Today,…
Read moreQuestion of the Day
In 2023, when Twitter/X added a “Government-Funded Media” label to NPR‘s posts, NPR responded that “we’re not” “government funded.” In contrast, NPR‘s webpage on “Public Radio Finances” states that “federal…
Read moreQuestion of the Day
Per veteran NPR editor and reporter Uri Berliner, “Concerned by the lack of viewpoint diversity” at NPR, “I looked at voter registration for our” D.C. newsroom “where NPR is headquartered”…
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